India is an agricultural country as the primary occupation even today is Agriculture. Before the Green revolution, every farmer in India was practicing self-sustainable natural farming and living. Availability of good quality food wasn’t an issue back then. Since farming was a way of life, they didn’t bother to document their indigenous farming methods and best practices.
Today after the intrusion of chemical fertilizer, mono cropping, hybrid / genetically engineered seeds into our Indian Agricultural sector, farming became very painful and loss for many farmers. Many farmers and their children have quit farming and chosen different profession for their lively hood. End result is we lost our rich bio-diversified seeds and good quality food. Farmers once who were the Producers have become consumers and majority of villages have If this situation continues, we would be facing a severe food shortage in the near future.
So, we believe that its need of the hour for all of us to get back to our roots and start growing our own food either at our home garden or at our farmland. Its welcoming and promising to see many youngsters from different professions inclined towards organic farming and willing to start farming. The major challenges they face are lack of farming documentation or guidance on how to do organic natural farming, where to start, etc.
We at ROF are happy to provide a fully integrated self-sustainable natural farming platform for the younger generation and for people inclined towards natural farming and living. They can make use of any of our below farm educational services to benefit them.
Live as Farmer to Become a Farmer
We conduct periodic Farm workshops on self-sustainable farming and living and various other topics to passionate individuals who are inclined towards natural farming. We wish to teach our traditional farming and living wisdom to the school children so they can build a stronger healthier nation.

We at ROF always love challenges and work towards simple but efficient solutions available around us. We document all our farming activities, best practices, learning, challenges and experience in our Facebook pages to create awareness about natural farming and self-sustainable farming and living. Follow us in our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Explore the farm educational videos documented at our farm